Google Apps (G-suite) Earn High Affiliate Commission

July 1, 2021
Google Apps (G-suite) earn high affiliate commission

Google apps better known today as G-suite are tools we use every day and they consist of Gmail, Sites, Docs, Hangouts, Sheets, Slides, etc. it’s a set of apps we use for business and everyday life. by signing up for your Google account you can use these apps for free.

Well, how do we promote free apps and make money? these apps have new features that Google has added such as email support, security, unlimited storage, and more. these features are not free and require payment, and that is why they have affiliate programs for such features.

Google Apps (G-suite) earn high affiliate commission

Where do we sign up for the Google apps affiliate program?


By promoting and offering the G-suite affiliate program apps and features, we can make money. to join this program, you’ll have to sign up to their page and all the details required to join the program. 

Keep in mind that not all countries are qualified to join the program, simply check the list of countries down at the bottom of the page, and if yours is not listed you can always request to join. 

If you are qualified you will receive an email with the affiliate links and codes. 

Google apps (G-suite) affiliate program rules of the commission.


There are a set of rules to receive affiliate links commission payment. there are two plans that Google offer, basic and business. Google apps (G-suite) has a special 14-day free trial to attract clients, if they like the apps and decide to purchase you can get the affiliate commission.

But you can only receive the payment if you obey this set of rules:

| Only purchases from a new user are eligible for the affiliate program (don’t offer the G-suite apps to existing consumers).

| Only a 120 days program purchase is eligible for the affiliate program.

Only a purchase before the 14-day free trial ends is eligible for the affiliate program.

| You should only share the products with a local interest client (only customers from your country).

Google apps (G-suite) affiliate program commission rates.


The payment from the affiliate programs will depend on the country you leave in. some countries will be expected to make significantly higher commissions. the countries that make a significantly higher commission are.

| India, Italy, Mexico, Japan, France, Belgium, Hong Kong. 

The commission rates are as followed.

| 30$ US.
| 30$ Canadian.
| 20 Pound Sterling.
| 30$ Australian.

The commission rates listed are only paid for premium package purchases. if the customer has purchased the basic package you will receive half of the commission (15$). 

Once you’ve successfully made a commission sale, Google will send your money directly to your bank account. 

Apps that earn the highest commission rates. 

| Sites – Using this app you can create great web pages.

| Calendar – Basic app to help you organize your day.

| Gmail – One of the most used email platforms today. 

| Docs – Using this app you can create many documents, save them directly on Google Drive, and share the links with your business associates.

There are more apps in this program that you can earn money from, but these are paid significantly more than the others. By offering these apps to potential clients you can earn commission rates depending on the rules of the Google apps (G-suite) program.

Check out more of our content right here! 


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