How To Land A Digital Marketing Job

October 20, 2022
How To Land A Digital Marketing Job

Starting a career in digital marketing can be challenging, but not when you know the basics of various digital marketing jobs and have a sound online presence and portfolio.

If you’re wondering how to do that, the following guide has all the answers! Stick till the end to learn everything about how to land your first (& more) digital marketing jobs! 

What are Digital Marketing Jobs?

Aspiring to become a digital marketer? Good, but in which skills? Digital marketing is not a single skill; instead, it comprises various sub-skills that you can master.

Some of these popular jobs are:

  • Social Media Manager and Marketer: Running social media ad campaigns and analyzing results to promote products/services
  • SEO Analyst and Executive: Optimizing websites and blogs to achieve higher search engine rankings, whether for raising awareness or promotional purposes.
  • SEM Strategist: Requires mastering Google AdWords to display ads on Google search results and other advertising networks.
  • Keyword Researcher: This skill falls under SEO but has become an entirely different skill.
  • Blogging: A popular content marketing strategy including affiliate posts, sponsored product reviews, and advertising placements.
  • Facebook Marketer: Includes creating advertising campaigns and selling products to reach potential customers.
  • Email Marketer: Another popular digital marketing skill revolving around building email lists, email composition and optimization for conversion and sales, and sending sponsored emails.

Tips to Land Your First (& More) Digital Marketing Jobs

Different skills under digital marketing are often linked; for instance, you can be an SEO analyst and social media expert to step up the promotional game.

Let’s now look at important steps to start a career in digital marketing:

  • Pick a digital marketing niche (as mentioned above) and focus on mastering it for some time.
  • Build a strong portfolio; the best way to present yourself is through a website. You can create one for free on platforms like Blogspot, WordPress, and Wix.
  • Connect digitally: Join Facebook groups, make a LinkedIn profile, and update your social media profiles to sound as professional as possible.
  • Work on your business communication skills; learn negotiation and collaboration skills, presentation and public speaking, and effective non-verbal communication.
  • Next, work on your freelance profiles. Remember to showcase your skills, select a professional profile picture, highlight your expertise and best skills, and add your certificates and employment history (if any). Also, review and update your profiles frequently.
  • Learn to bid wisely. Consider the client’s requirements, and avoid copying and pasting your bid offers. Bid on recently posted projects with lower submitted proposal rates; this way, your proposal will have a better chance of getting accepted. Don’t exaggerate your proposal; make it relevant and short. You should also add previously completed similar jobs/projects, any questions, and links to your portfolio and social media profiles.

Final Words

If you are a beginner, it may take time before you land your first digital marketing job. You may spend more time bidding than landing jobs, which is normal.

But once you earn a project, complete it with dedication and on time. Also, in the meantime, continue to improve your skills and expand your skill set to grow more.


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