Highest Paid Food Bloggers – Unbelievable

November 7, 2022
Highest Paid Food Bloggers - Unbelievable

Food blogging is another boom on the internet. People love to watch and admire exciting food content. Do you ever think about how much a food blogger can earn? Well, it’s negotiable. However, almost every second food blogger makes thousands of dollars per month. If you’re a food enthusiast, you must know famous food bloggers.

Accordingly, if you’re also thinking of being a food blogger, it’s a good move. First of all, you should know about the highest-paid food bloggers. You can also get motivation from successful bloggers to start your career. You’ll get five highly-paid food bloggers in this writing. So, without further ado, let’s get straight into it.

1- Clean Eating Couple

The Clean Eating Couple is at the top of the list of the highest-paid food bloggers. The blog is run by a couple, Liz and Tyler, to promote healthy food to the new generation. It is said that the Clean Eating Couple made $1,50,000 in the year of 2019.

It means that the blog is earning $12500 per month. This is a handsome amount to earn from blogging. The vegan food blogs brought more traffic to these bloggers.

2- A Sassy Spoon

While moving along, you’ll find another highly paid food blogger, A Sassy Spoon. An American lady runs A Sassy Spoon and shares exciting recipes with their viewers. A Sassy Spoon has brought about $1,00,000 in the year 2019.

Hence, the food blogger earns an average of $8300 per month. The easy-to-cook recipes of A Sassy Spoon have built this website at the top list.


3- Piping Pot Curry

Piping Pot Curry shares healthy and delicious food recipes. Meeta owns this website. She earned $5000 per month in her first year of blogging. Making such a huge amount, in the beginning, is an outstanding achievement.

So, whenever it comes to assembling highly paid food bloggers, Piping Pot Curry also emerges in the catalog.

4- Midwest Foodie

You must have seen famous bloggers sharing recipes that use expensive ingredients. Midwest Foodie shares budget-friendly recipes by utilizing inexpensive components in foods. It is also known as a highly paid food blog site.


The Midwest Foodie earned $3735 in a single month in 2020. Reaping such a pretty income in one month is an incredible victory.

5- Butternut Bakery

As you know, desserts are mandatory whether it’s an event or a family gathering. Butternut Bakery is one of the highest-paid bloggers that share convenient recipes to make a sweet dish at home.

In 2019, Butternut Bakery earned $5041 in one month. If you’re fed up with high-cholesterol desserts, try Butternut Bakery recipes at home.


Presently, you have five successful inspirations to commence your food blogging. You must have to do hard work to achieve remarkable success. You can visit the famous blog and get the idea of operating your food blog.

Your content must bring considerable traffic to your website. More traffic will bring more revenue and vice versa.

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