Did you know that consumers decide what product they want to buy in just a minute? the visual representation of your website will determine how consumers view your store, and if you don’t invest your effort into making your website design visually pleasing for the consumer it will considerably decrease your site’s traffic and hurt your ability to sell products. the following tips will help you understand how to simplify your website.
| Simple Design – I’m sure we all experienced that moment when we enter a messy website and couldn’t understand how to find our way to the desired product. organize your menu and categories in a way so that the consumer can easily find them. you can add a search engine so that the consumer can navigate more freely through your site.
| High-Quality Templates – Templates are the base and front of our website. the first thing the consumer will see when he visits your online store is the image that represents your store’s niche. so, if we decide to neglect and use a low-quality template or just a plain white background, hurt our own business.
| Color Distribution – The colors we choose to use on our website are really important. there are colors like red and yellow which we will mostly use for CTA (call-to-action) buttons. green and blue colors transmit calmness and relaxation. black and white colors are mostly used for sites that sell luxury items. this is why we need to concentrate on the colors we choose to apply to our online store. not distributing the colors on our site correctly may ruin the consumer experience.
| Typography – Using the correct typography on our content and product description is an important element in our business. to look professional and visually pleasing for the consumer we will use the following font and sizes.
- Helvetica and Verdana – These are the fonts that mostly all business stores and websites use on their websites. they are traditional and elegant. it makes the user experience simple and readable.
- Grand Hotel and Hurricane – These fonts are used for CTA buttons, which appear prominent.
| High-Quality Images – Applying low-quality images to our products is simply unprofessional, it doesn’t take a lot of effort, just think of what message you want to convey with the photographs you apply to your products. use clear images and the correct lighting to make your images high-quality and professional.
To summarize, the first impression is everything when it comes to our online store. be mindful, and don’t think about saving money on the design of your online store because at the end of the day it is your business.
We hope this post will help you in your business adventures and be sure to check out more of our content right here!
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